15 Signs God is Speaking to You in a Dream

God communicates through dreams because it is an ideal state of stillness where we can hear His message without distractions, judgments, or clouded thoughts; essentially, during sleep, we are able to listen to God without interference.

I strongly believe that every dream has significance; for example, if you dream about a recently watched TV show, it could be an indication of pain triggered by the show, while cloudy and difficult to remember dreams may be a sign of stress and restlessness; moreover, dreams brought on by medication or unhealthy food may indicate a hormonal imbalance or a need for medical attention.

Writing down all your dreams can be a helpful activity. While some dream may reveal emotional distress and hormonal imbalances, others may later prove to be prophetic and guide you in difficult situations. Avoid assigning meaning immediately, and allow God to reveal each element slowly, as He did with Joseph’s dream almost 30 years after he had it (Genesis 37:5-11).

What are the signs God is speaking to you in a dream?

1. It has a clear storyline: When God speaks to you in a dream, the dream will often have a clear and concise storyline. You’ll wake up feeling as if you’ve just watched a movie, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This is because God is a God of order, and He communicates with clarity. In the Bible, Joseph had a clear and concise dream about his future, even though he didn’t understand its meaning at first. Eventually, it did come to pass just as God had revealed it to him (Genesis 37:5-11).

2. The dream is highlighting an emotion or problem you had while awake: God often speaks to us in dreams about our current struggles and emotions. He uses dreams as a way to reveal the deeper issues that are causing us pain or stress. For example, if you’ve been struggling with anxiety, God may speak to you in a dream about a calming scene, such as a peaceful meadow or a calm sea. In the Bible, God used dreams to communicate to His people about their current struggles, such as when He spoke to Jacob in a dream about his fear of his brother Esau (Genesis 28:10-17).

3. You’re having recurring dreams: Dreaming about the same thing multiple times indicates that God may be trying to get your attention. It could be a call to explore your emotions for the sake of healing, notice a pattern in your life, or resolve a problem that has been plaguing you. Alternatively, it may be a prophetic or revelatory word from God about something to come.

However, not all recurring dreams are prophetic. Additionally, the dream setting or contents might be different, but it can have the same theme or highlight the same issues. For instance, you may dream about being angry in a park and then at school; however, the dream may be highlighting the same issue. In the Bible, Pharaoh had recurring dreams about the famine to come. It was an urge for him to evaluate the dream and explore its meaning with great importance because God was speaking of something difficult that was coming. (Genesis 41:1-7).

4. Scripture is highlighted in your dream: If you have a dream where scripture is coming alive and you’re living it then it is a sign God is speaking. For instance, suppose you dream of being the prodigal son that comes back to his fathers house. This type of dream can signify that you’re overcoming the world and growing in intimacy with God. Or your dream might refer to a symbol, such as white clothing, which can be a reference to Bible verses on purity.

Additionally, if a specific peace of scripture is used, it’s a sign that God is speaking to you. In the Bible, God often spoke to His people through scripture, and He still does today. If you have a dream where a specific Bible verse or passage is highlighted, take note of it and spend some time meditating on it.

5. You have had dreams in the past that have come true: If you’ve had dreams in the past that have come true, it’s possible that God is using dreams to communicate with you. In the Bible, God used dreams to reveal the future to His people, such as when He spoke to Joseph about the famine that was coming (Genesis 41:25-32).

6. Your dream is being confirmed: If you have a dream and then something happens in your waking life that confirms the dream, it’s a sign that God is speaking to you. In the Bible, God used dreams to confirm His will to His people, such as when He spoke to Gideon in a dream about the outcome of the battle (Judges 7:13-15).

7. You’re able to wait patiently: Sometimes, God may speak to us through a dream, but the meaning may not be immediately clear. If you find that you’re able to wait patiently for the meaning to be revealed, it could be a sign that God is speaking to you. In the Bible, Joseph had to wait for many years before the meaning of his dream was revealed (Genesis 41:1-32).

8. You’re not obsessed with a single meaning: It’s important to remember that dreams can have multiple meanings, and God may reveal different aspects of the dream to you over time. If you find that you’re open to different interpretations and not obsessed with a single meaning, it could be a sign that God is speaking to you through the dream.

9. The dream reflects God’s character and truths in the Bible: If the dream aligns with God’s character and truths in the Bible, it could be a sign that God is speaking to you. For example, if the dream is about forgiveness or love, it could be a sign that God is speaking to you about those themes. In the Bible, God often used dreams to communicate His truths to His people.

10. The dream made you aware of something you couldn’t have known about yourself or someone else: Sometimes, God may use dreams to reveal things to us that we couldn’t have known about ourselves or someone else. For example, if you have a dream about a friend struggling with a particular issue, and you didn’t know about it beforehand, it could be a sign that God is using the dream to bring the issue to your attention so that you can pray and support your friend. In the Bible, God used dreams to reveal things to His people that they couldn’t have known otherwise.

11. You are being given strategic steps to take in a tricky situation: Sometimes God will use a dream to provide practical advice or guidance for a situation you are facing. The dream may offer clear and specific steps to take or give you a different perspective on the situation. In the Bible, God used dreams to give Joseph a plan to save Egypt from famine (Genesis 41:33-36).

12. You have been enlightened with wisdom and knowledge you didn’t have before you prayed: God can use dreams to provide new insights and knowledge that you didn’t have before. The dream may reveal a truth about God’s character or give you a deeper understanding of a biblical concept. In the Bible, God used dreams to reveal the meaning of dreams to Joseph and Daniel (Genesis 41:15-16, Daniel 2:19-23).

13. You are filled with a peace and hope that surpasses all understanding: If a dream from God brings you peace and hope that you can’t explain, it’s a sign that God is speaking to you. This peace and hope can help you trust God even in difficult circumstances. In the Bible, God used dreams to comfort His people and give them hope, such as when He spoke to Jacob about his future (Genesis 28:10-17).

14. You prayed and/or sought wise biblical counsel to ensure you’re not filtering things through selfish desires: It’s important to seek guidance from God and wise counsel when interpreting dreams. This can help you avoid interpreting dreams through your own desires or biases. In the Bible, God used wise counselors such as Joseph and Daniel to interpret dreams for others (Genesis 41:14, Daniel 2:26-28).

15. You’re falling more in love with God: When God speaks to you in a dream, it can deepen your relationship with Him and increase your love for Him. It can help you see His love and care for you in a new way. In the Bible, dreams from God often drew people closer to Him and increased their faith, such as when God spoke to Jacob about His presence with him (Genesis 28:15).


In summary, dreams can be a powerful way in which God communicates with us. They can provide insight into our current struggles, reveal glimpses of the future, and confirm God’s will for our lives. If you believe you have had a dream from God, take time to pray about it and seek confirmation from wise and discerning individuals.

It’s important to remember that God is an active God who wants to communicate with us clearly. Nothing is a coincidence, and we should be still and know that He is God. As Acts 2:17 states, in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit on all people, and our sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, and old men will dream dreams.

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