If you’re seeking advice or dream interpretations, please visit the following pages:

Due to the large volume of requests I receive and the financial needs of this site, I am not able to offer free dream interpretations at the moment.

To cover the operating costs of Adorned Heart, Biblical Dream Meanings, and King at Heart, I charge for these services. Currently, I primarily fund this site out of my own limited resources, which can exceed $2,000 USD annually. Writing, editing, and promoting one article that I’ve written can take 4-8 hours, and I’ve created over 400 articles, quizzes, e-books, mailing lists, prayer groups, etc.—all for free.

Because I work part-time, my personal finances don’t fully cover website expenses, and I often need to rely on side hustles to pay for hosting, domain renewals, zoom account for prayer meetings, website debugging, updates, software programs, and other essentials. You can find some more of my costs here. Therefore, your donation is needed more than ever.

Please know that by purchasing one of these services, you are not only receiving valuable support but also making a donation. Your contribution is tax-deductible, as Adorned Heart is a certified non-profit in the state of Florida.

When you sign up:
-  you'll get free Monthly Dream Devotionals
- you'll be the first to get dream interpretation worksheets
- you'll receive a FREE chapter of the Christian Dream Interpretation Handbook