The Biblical Meaning of Flying in a Dream

The biblical meaning of flying in a dream is freedom, faith, hope, victory, renewed strength, a heavenly mindset, and imagination. This type of dream is usually a positive experience and symbolizes positive growth and spiritual awareness. However, the emotions within your dream is the key to understanding your attitude towards your spiritual journey.

Overall, dreaming of flying is symbolic, not literal. Symbolic dreams usually have a hidden meaning that is related to your everyday life. God often speaks in parables and riddles to encourage believers to seek him for the interpretation. Fortunately, God has given you “the secrets of the kingdom of heaven” to help you understand his messages. (Matthew 13:11)

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Examples of Common Dream Interpretations of Flying

  1. Dreaming of being surprised that you can fly. This represents unawareness of your spiritual growth and God’s power working in your life.
  2. Dreaming of flying then suddenly falling. This could symbolize a loss of faith, a setback, or a warning against pride and overconfidence.
  3. Dreaming of flying away from an enemy. This may signify breaking free from sin, conflict, or bondage, experiencing breakthrough and deliverance.
  4. Dreaming of flying during a challenging time in your life. This may symbolize God carrying you through difficulties, renewing your strength and perseverance.
  5. Dreaming of flying and feeling a sense of freedom and fearlessness. This could indicate following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and being sensitive to God’s direction.
  6. Dreaming of flying and resisting worldly influences. This suggests trusting in God’s ability to lead on a supernatural path aligned with His will.
  7. Dreaming of flying and feeling a surge of creativity and faith. This might indicate readiness to explore new opportunities and ministries with God’s guidance.

What is the biblical meaning of flying in a dream?

The Christian dream meaning of flying is freedom, strength, faith, hope, and a heavenly mindset. Overall, flying is a positive experience. It means you are doing well on your faith journey. Congratulations.

Though flying in a dream is an exciting experience, it can come with a mix of positive and negative emotions. Therefore, to understand your dream, it’s important to understand what you felt while flying. Were you excited, afraid, or did you feel brave?

Name the emotion and then use it as a guide to explore your emotions when you’re awake. Perhaps you are afraid of flying because it takes faith in God to believe for the impossible. If you have doubts don’t worry, you were flying in the dream which shows you’re brave in real life circumstances. So, try to continue on the path of faith with total surrender and confidence.

1. Renewed Strength

Dreaming of flying can indicate that you are allowing God to carry you. Have you recently been through something very hard? Did you feel tired and unable to keep going? Well, God heard your prayer.

Your dream is showing that God is using his power to strengthen you, so you can stand firm till the end. Therefore, be encouraged. Don’t give up. You will see the victory of the Lord in your difficult situation. When you are weak, then his power can work even stronger within you!

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

2. Freedom

Flying in a dream can represent a sense of freedom and fearlessness in your life. God gave you the Holy Spirit to help you soar. Dreaming about flying shows that you are being directed by the wind of the spirit. Essentially, you are sensitive to the guidance of the spirit living within you.

"The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

3. Escaping an Enemy

Escaping an enemy in your dream by flying away is a sign that you’re escaping the enemies’ plan. Therefore, feeling powerful and without shackles means you are experiencing breakthrough. You’re being set free from the fear of what others think, shame from the past, un-forgiveness, distrust in God, self-doubts, self-hatred, and anything that hinders you from soaring in the spiritual realm.

In Psalm 18:10, God swiftly goes to rescue David from his enemies. David describes God’s coming to his defense by stating: “He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind.” This shows that God takes appropriate measure to arrive swiftly to free us from harm.

Similarly, the book of Revelation describes a vision of a woman who is given the wings of a great eagle, allowing her to fly into the wilderness to escape from a dragon (Revelation 12:14). In this context, flying could represent the idea of being protected or rescued from danger by God.

4. You Don’t Conform

Flying in your dream means that you are going against the usual way of doing things. To ascend, you must let go of the weight of the world and trust God to defy gravity (worldly patterns and thoughts). Ultimately, you’re dreaming about flying because you’re on the right path in your faith journey and successfully setting your mind on heavenly things.

Though you are on the right path, healing unresolved emotions can make your spiritual flight stronger. You can identify unhealed emotions by exploring your feelings within your dream.

How did you feel while flying?

  • If you were happy and confident then that means you have faith in God to do the impossible.
  • If you were scared then it represents anxiety, fear, and worries hindering your ability to trust God.
  • Learning to fly during your dream shows that you are learning to trust God.
  • Feeling surprised you’re flying represents your unawareness of how much you’ve grown spiritually.

In the Bible, Peter defied gravity by walking on the water. Peter was successfully walking with Jesus, but then he lost faith. When Peter began looking at the “world” and not “Jesus”, He quickly stumbled. Peter shifted his focus on the natural circumstances rather than the invisible hand of God. Only faith and thinking from a heavenly perspective would allow him to successfully do the impossible. Similarly, you must learn to focus on biblical promises and trust God when it makes no sense.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)

5. Imagination

God’s creativity can be seen in his design of flying animals and angels. Therefore, dreaming of flying shows that you have the faith to imagine and dream big with God.

Such a dream shows that you feel empowered to explore creative ideas and solutions to bring the kingdom of Heaven to earth. Similar to you, God used his imagination to design a path to release forgiveness to the world. Therefore, your dream shows that you’re soaring in ministry and your plans to change the world. Congratulations.

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14 thoughts on “The Biblical Meaning of Flying in a Dream

      1. For over 2 years I have Dreams of flying each time it is getting stronger like it’s Becoming real when I am flying I am very happy and helping people it’s a Great feeling But there is. Something that I was born with that helps me fly that part is real I should have died when I was 3 it killed every body else I know God kept me alive for a reason

  1. Hello,
    Thank you so much for helping me understand the meaning of my dreams,all am praying and hoping is that God continue working on me en I give my life to Him alone.
    My he renew my strength and increase my faith in him that I may be able to dwell and trust in him always.
    Be blessed thnk you.

  2. Wow ik cause I feel different inside of there is an amazing spirit been through alot and all I can think about is being with god

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