about the author
My name is Christina Daniels and I’m the founder of Biblical Dream Meanings, Adorned Heart, and King at Heart. I’m originally from the Island of Jamaica, but I currently live in South Florida, U.S.A.
I am passionate about seeing people transformed at a spiritual, emotional, and societal level. So, I received a B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Public Policy. In the future, I would love to earn some type of theological or pastoral degree (after I pay back my grad school loans of course!)
Most of my time is spent practicing self-love, loving my family + friends, serving at church, writing, providing empowerment coaching, and teaching History to middle school students! Whew! No wonder, I’m always pressed for time! Overall, if God gets the glory through my life then I’m one of the happiest girls alive.
I created this site because
After exploring biblical dream sites, I found that most websites weren’t even made by Christians! Some websites were promoting divination and tarot reading. That honesty makes me righteously ANGRY.
So… I wanted to create a space where you trust that divination isn’t the source of my interpretation. While I’m human and capable of mistakes, I prayerfully use a biblical perspective to help you understand your dream. I ultimately believe that God dreams should lead you back to the Bible. And teach you more about your identity in Christ, God’s character, and accomplishing kingdom business.
I became interested in dreams because
In the early stages of my faith, I dreamt I was at my boyfriend’s house and a stairway became available. I climbed up the stairway and went very high. Then it started rocking back and forth. I held on for dear life. Now looking back, God was showing my spiritual ascension and the problems I’d face as I tried to embrace him.
One of those struggles was having faith in a miraculous God. I asked him to help me know if he was truly real or fake. God answered me. He sent me three signs which I still doubted. You can hear my FULL story via YouTube or by clicking here.
Then, God spoke to me audibly. He told me: “If I didn’t make you wait you wouldn’t have prayed. Make sure you pray from now on.”
These signs helped me to leave an unhealthy relationship. While in the relationship, God pointed out my lukewarmness. I started dreaming that I was doing nothing about the chaos in the world. In one dream, my Bible was shut and I was cuddled up with a man that preferred sin over righteousness.
Ultimately, dreams teach us about ourselves, others, God, and the world. If we take the time to pray and understand our dreams it can bring healing, clarity, and direction in life. However, interpreting dreams is not an easy task. To fully understand dreams you must fully understand yourself and God – which is an endless journey. But it is a fun journey!